
Challenges towards
Carbon Neutrality

The JISF Long-term vision for
climate change mitigation,
looking beyond 2030

In November 2014, the Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF) published the “JISF’s Commitment to a Low Carbon Society, Phase II (Now known as Carbon Neutrality Action Plan, Phase 2)” targeting the year 2030. This commitment is also reflected in the NDS of Japan based on the Paris Agreement, and the member companies of JISF are making constant efforts to achieve them.
In the Paris Agreement adopted in 2015, its goal is shown to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels.
In November 2018, JISF published the “Long-term vision for climate change mitigation: A challenge towards zero carbon steel” (JISF Long-term Vision, Text , Abstract ), which persues zero CO2 emissions looking beyond 2030. In the vision, JISF showed the prospect of achieving the 2°C scenario and the necessity of super-innovative technology for the 1.5°C scenario in steel making.
The JISF Long-Term Vision also outlines the roadmap toward zero CO2 emissions in steel production in Japan. The roadmap showed a step up from the COURSE50 project, which is already under development, to Super COURSE50, which aims for the lowest possible CO2 emissions in blast furnaces, and then to hydrogen-based steelmaking, the ultimate zero CO2 emission steelmaking technology.
On February 15, 2021, the Japan Iron and Steel Federation announced Basic Policy of the Japan steel industry on 2050 Carbon Neutrality aimed by the Japanese government , wherein the Japanese steel industry supports Japan’s ambitious policy of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and it will aggressively take on the challenge towards carbon neutrality with the aim of contributing to the Japanese government policy.
In this site, we show the technological developments that JISF promote towards carbon neutrality.

* You can see the figure enlarged.